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Ethiopia's Foreign Debt Crisis

  “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he’ll eat forever.” This is an infamous Chinese proverb. It is essentially talking about the value there is in giving knowledge on how to solve one’s problems instead of giving temporary relief to seemingly long-term and everlasting problems. As we all know, most developing countries in the global south face my challenges to ensure the economic stability as well as prosperity of their state and people. As a result, they turn to other counties for help to gain a temporary relief without gaining any real expertise on how to solve their problems for the long term. This help comes in the form of foreign aid and millions of dollars in loans that must be repaid with interest. This aid, instead of solving our problems, is becoming a problem in and of itself as it is facilitating economic dependence on foreign countries which gives way to economic exploitation and political interference. Nevertheless, developing countr...

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