What's lost is found


Guess what? It worked. And as a result, we have this subconscious inferiority complex that we refuse to acknowledge and therefore, refuse to do away with. It is due to this mindset that we are more hospitable to white foreigners than black ones. It is due to this complex that we praise light skinned black people while diminishing dark skinned ones. This is the reason we feel the need to straighten our hair to be beautiful while calling those who show off their natural kinky hair, ugly. It is why we think we have to wait until a special traditional holiday to wear our native, traditional dresses. But worst of all, this mindset leads to much bigger consequences in terms of the peace and development of this continent. Our governing systems, policing systems, as well as our education and healthcare systems are mostly failing because they were made to resemble the systems of western societies. This is a problem because a system that works for a homogeneous and relatively culturally undivided country, couldn't possibly work for a continent with over 2000 ethnicities and cultures. Government systems that expect different African nations and nationalities to peacefully as well as equally exist and operate as a western society, will not and have not succeeded. We have all seen discrimination, harassment, executions, and even in extreme cases, genocides happening among these nations which is a sad and very telling consequence of these failing systems and the history that begat them. Nevertheless, our governments, while thinking “all that is foreign is good”, are still trying to enforce western systems that are clearly not working. This then leads to economic turmoil and political as well as social unrest, which further facilitates our dependence on western countries. These countries then capitalize on our dependence by selling us expensive machines and products which they made from the vital raw materials they bought from us for far cheaper prices. When we can't afford to buy these machines, they give us loans to do so, knowing full well that we can't pay them off. And when we admit that we can't pay them off, they forgive these loans as a way to hold a political control over us, which once again leaves us politically, economically and socially colonized. They introduced their education systems, knowing full well that they wouldn't work, in order to keep us from knowledge. Knowledge, that we can use to build our own machines from our own cheap raw materials. Knowledge that we can use to sell finished products to them at expensive rates for the sake of capitalizing on our natural resources. This would obviously hinder their neocolonization efforts, as we wouldn't need loans to buy products, and they wouldn't have something to hold over us. This ploy to dominate Africa has been in place since the 1800s, and maybe even centuries before. And for the most part it has worked. They have taught us to believe that anything of their essence is far greater than our own. They found millions of ways to diminish our esteem, unity as well as culture. But what is important, is for us to recognize that anything that is learned can be unlearned. Anything that is lost can be found. We just need to acknowledge what we lost and collectively come up with a way to find it again.





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